Of all the things that can go wrong with your car, a finicky battery is one of the most annoying. It is usually the culprit when a car refuses to start. At the same time, it can be difficult to tell whether it is the actual battery that is the problem, as opposed to the alternator, or a poor connection. Read on to find out what you can do to get to the bottom of battery problems more quickly.
Check the lights. Car won’t start? Do a full visual inspection of your car’s lights, including the headlights, to be sure everything is turned off. A light that is left on overnight can quickly drain your battery over time.
Check the battery connections. Loose cables are common culprits when dealing with drained or dead batteries. Be sure to also keep an eye out for corrosion around your battery terminal, as it can also interfere with the energy drawing process.
Invest in a multimeter. Many people have dragged their cars’ batteries to the nearest auto shop to test the charge. However, with your own multimeter, you can quickly and easily figure out whether your battery needs to be charged, or whether you need to get a new one from an Apopka auto repair shop.
If your car’s battery is failing, it is time to seek help from Millikan Battery & Electric, Inc. Contact us today at (407) 886-8285 to schedule an appointment.