If you are like most drivers, the way you discover that some component of your vehicle is not working right is via your dashboard lights. When a battery-shaped warning comes on and stays on, it suggests that there is most likely a problem with the charging system. However, a failed charging system does not automatically mean that you have an alternator issue. From there, it is up to you to determine whether the problem lies with your alternator or battery.
Before beginning repairs on your alternator, it behooves you to determine whether the alternator is the problem and that it is not the battery at fault. By using a voltmeter, you can measure the voltage of electric power the alternator releases. A battery’s voltage should typically be above 12.65 volts, so if you get a lower reading, you will have a better idea if the alternator or battery is the problem component.
How to Address Alternator Issues
Common problems involving alternators include the wearing down of carbon brushes or contact rings that might need replacing. If you are uncertain of the exact cause of your failed alternator, it is in your best interest to take your vehicle to a skilled mechanic to handle the repair without potentially damaging the alternator. Millikan Battery and Electric Inc. is your locally preferred auto shop when you need help with alternators in Winter Garden, FL.
Find out more about common problems involving alternators in Winter Garden, FL. See why so many drivers visit our shop for targeted automotive services.